
Ellen-once our parents are gone there’s a greater imperative to dig at this. I hope you get there too! Or you and Mark can embark on that journey of finding your roots in the old “sod” as he says!

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You certainly do. There’s something primal in us that recognizes one another.

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It’s amazing how much you have learned and been there from your family in Italy. I have been to Italy and loved it there. I wish I knew more about my family from Germany. You are amazing and thank you for including your travels. Love ❤️

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I love these stories of how you're digging into your roots. Chicago is the Polish hub. When I would go to Polish restaurants/delis the employees would always start speaking to me in Polish, I didn't even open my mouth. As one person said "you have the map of Poland written all over your face." Lol

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Brava! I admire how you are entrenched in finding these meaningful connections! I hope I can someday do the same.

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Loved it! “ All Italians have a connection to Ohio.” Mark says I can walk into any room and I’ll find the Italian everytime. An app for that would be nice too.” That yearning for family, affiliation, belonging is universal, I think. Watch the series Pachinko,” and you will see these desires when the elderly Korean woman returns home.

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